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Character Creation

Main Character

Dump all points into Agility.

This character will be the one used for fighting. Strength increases the damage dealt by only a small margin in the beginning, getting accurecy to consistently hit enemies is more valuable. Later on the damage and health will be boosted by permanent increases.

The class of this char doesn't matter.

Death Knight

Dump all points into Constitution.

This character will be the one tanking and running. Therefore a larger pool of Health and Stamina is most important. Later on the damage and health will be boosted by permanent increases.

The class of this char doesn't matter.

Act I

Route A1.png

Pick up the key from the dead guard at 1.

Run towards the cell at 2 and go down the hole covered by a blanket.

Clip oob and move along the highlighted path for optimal speed. When Stamina runs low, use downtime to duplicate the starting potions a few time.

Clip back inbounds at the end and use the door to finish Act I.

Act II

Make your way towards the prison at 1.

Defeat the guard at the entrance and pick up its key. Run the Main Character towards the room in the north-east corner and free the imp there. Run the Death Knight towards the north-west corner to pick up the key and free the imp in the bottom-left corner.

Exit the prison and be led over the lava lake into the imp village.

After the cutscene head north to 3, from where you'll first be teleported to the Necromancer and then to another prison. Instantly clip our of bounds and head south-west. Clip inbounds at the top corner of the cave and gain access to the Battlefields. Go back out of bounds and run north-west towards 4, where Altoflix lives. Trigger his quest and leave his house.

Run north-west towards 5 where you will fall into a cave and gain access to the teleport pyramids. Use the pyramid in the cave to teleport out and pick-up/use the other pyramid to get back inside. Clip out of bounds and throw a pyramid directly south towards from 6 to 7. Head to the cave nort-east of you to gather the Spider Amulet. Go east towards the outside of the Hermit's cave.

Place the other pyramid and use it to teleport to 7, pick up the 2nd pyramid after. Clip inbounds to make your way towards 8 in order to collect the Mushroom. Teleport back north (7) and make your way towards the exit at 9.10, place one pyramid for later. Put the Main Characters remaining points into Constitution so he won't die to the upcoming mobs. Run the Main Character towards 11 and pick up the Root, as upon leaving the cellar he will be targeted by thesurrounding monsters and can kite them away. Use the Death Knight to enter the Shaman's Cave again, bringing the Death Knight back to 10. Grab the Fruit at 12 next. Use the pyramid to jump back to 7 and talk to the Hermit. 

He should by now have restocked his inventory to sell the herbs needed to make permanent potions. Buy 2 red, 2 blue and 1 yellow herb, though you can duplicate them as needed. Completing his quest related to the Spider Amulet will award you with a Holy Water, the final ingredient for permanent potions. Duplicate it once, to get a 2nd one. Enter the Battlefield to talk to the Alchemist to learn Survival-Extraction and skill it up to level 4. This enables crafting permanent potions, giving access to a Strength and Health Potion. Duplicating them up to 64 for each character will be enough to beat the last boss in Act IV.

Talking to the Alchemist one last time will activate a cutscene, which ends up with the characters at 13. Running all the way down to 14 and getting the Crystall Fragment will start the final cutscene of Act II.


Act 3 throw.png

Duplicate one of the teleport pyramids.

Throw it along the highlighted path to make your way as close to the island as possible.

Walk towards the marked area and throw a pyramid on the island to get back inbounds. Kill the Warden to start the finishing cutscene.

Act IV

soonTMClip out of bounds and run south-east all the way to 1.

Clip in bounds and starta dialoue [close].

Head towards 2 and kill Samuel making sure to pick up the rift-wand he drops.

Go east to 3 and talk to XX [spam 1], learning how to open rifts. Open the first one. Enter and leave it again right away. Talk to XX [spam 1] again to and after learning how to close rifts, do so.

Go to 4 and talk Anlokar twice [spam 1. then close]. Open the last rift to Rivellon and defeat Damian.